The role of school leadership in enhancing intellectual security of secondary school students in Palestine and the ways to develop it, Bethlehem Governorate as an example.
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How to Cite

أبو خيران أ., “ Bethlehem Governorate as an example”., AURJ, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1–38, Dec. 2023.



The study aimed to identify the role of school leadership in enhancing intellectual security of secondary school students in Palestine and the ways to develop it. The sample of the study consisted (62) male and female principals from government secondary schools in Bethlehem Governorate. The descriptive approach was used, where the study tool was constructed and It consists of 50 items measuring the role of school leadership in enhancing intellectual security of secondary school students. The study concluded that the overall degree for the role of school leadership in enhancing intellectual security among secondary school students was high, and the students’ field received the highest mean average, followed by the parents’ field, then the teachers’ field, and then the school activities field. The mean of the total degree for males is higher than for females. The mean of the total degree for managers holding a master’s degree or higher is higher than that for managers with a bachelor’s degree or less. The mean of the total degree for the humanities is higher than that for the natural sciences. The mean of the total degree for years of experience from 5-10 years is higher than that for more than 10 years and for less than 5 years. The mean  of the total degree for mixed schools is higher than for girls’ and boys’ schools. The educational methods proposed by principals to enhance intellectual security are: creating awareness programs for students and their parents to enhance religious, national, and moral affiliation among students in the primary and secondary stages. Holding seminars, lectures, meetings, workshops, brochures, and publications in which experienced and specialized people participate, and cooperating with reliable and supportive intellectual institutions to enhance security.Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends giving lectures to parents to increase their experience in enhancing their children’s intellectual security.

Keywords: School leadership, Intellectual Security, Secondary School Students, Palestine
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