Sharing rituals between different religions through social networks and its effect in dissolving religious identity
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How to Cite

دويكات أ., “Sharing rituals between different religions through social networks and its effect in dissolving religious identity”, AURJ, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 99–134, Jun. 2024.


Sharing religious rituals among followers of different religions, especially Islam and Christianity in our Arab world, is a phenomenon whose development and interactions are linked to the spread of social networks, the spread of which increases and its impact deepens day after day, as members of the religions share their religious rituals and interact on those occasions, especially religious holidays, and these rituals receive public interaction. Some of them refer to the cultural overlap between followers of different beliefs, and some of them refer to the specific tendency of each religion and the call to preserve it from interference.
The study attempts to dismantle some concepts, such as the concept of “tolerance” versus “assimilation,” and other concepts related to relations between religions, and reconstruct them in the context of understanding conversion from the perspective of religious followers, and monitors the effect of the intensity of exposure to content related to “sharing religious manifestations” on overlap or collision Cultural.
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